We're currently having issues with our Sales Platform


We've now resolved the incident. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to the affected users. Thanks for your patience.

  • Deskera Team
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Intermittent issues with Sales Platform

We are experiencing intermittent issues with the sales platform at the moment. Some existing users may experience difficulty accessing the system or viewing previous records. Our technical team is solving the issue. We will keep you posted with the updates and resolution.

  • Deskera Team
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The issues are only for few old users of the Sales platform. The new users will not face any issues.

Thanks, Deskera Team

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Some people are experiencing problems with our service right now. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

Thanks, Deskera Team

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Began at:

Affected components
  • Sales Web/ Mobile